As you read And Then There Were None, you will find yourself judging the character's actions, both present and past. Who in your opinion is the most evil character or has committed the most heinous acts? Be certain to support your response with textual details. DON'T GIVE AWAY THE ENDING!!!
Personally, I think Justice Wargrave is the most evil... I mean, he basically helped get someone who was innocent into trouble... And it's not like that was an accident. Also, what makes his crime worse than other people's (there could be a good argument that Lombard's crime was worse because it involved more people)is that Wargrave tried to act like he was the most innocent person walking the planet. He kept trying to get everyone together, so nobody would even suspect him of being guilty of such a crime. At least the others, especially Lombard and Vera Claythorne, seemed to accept the fact that they were guilty.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I mean to say that Lombard and Vera Claythorne seem to not try to hide the fact that they are guilty.
ReplyDeletewell I have to slightly disagree, Lombard accepts the fact that he commited a crime in leaving twenty people to die, yet Vera never openly admitts she commited any wrongdoing. The only reason the reader knows she killed Cyril (The boy she was watching over) is because of her physcologhical reacalls due to her post dramatic hysteria. In adddition, i do agree with the fact that Wargarve is evil. He currently has this leadership postion and has every person in a weak state of mind, perfect for a chance to tamper and poison their intellectual decision making.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I believe that Anthony Lombard is the most evil character in the book. When he explains his side of the story about accusation on the gramophone he shows no remorse or guilt. He even tries to pin the incident on the people he killed. He says that he didn't see them in time because they hurried into the middle of the road without looking. If he hadn't been speeding he wouldn't be in the predicament he is in.
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ReplyDeleteSorry about the deleted post; I am still figuring out how to post onto a blog. However, I believe that Justice Wargrave is the most evil character in the book; he uses his authority as a judge to strike fear in the hearts of the guests and pit them against each other. Additionally, he seems to enjoy the atmosphere of terror on Indian Island more than any of the other guests do. He also uses his snake-tongued eloquence to bring about a sense of anti-justice, so to speak, which cements his place as the most evil character.
ReplyDeleteI believe Miss Emily Brent is the most evil. She showed little remorse for killing the young women. Even though before she died she did, I still believe she was the most evil. Personally, I didn't like her. Also, when everyone was coming clean about the accusations she wouldn't admit anything and strongly believed she was innocent. In addition, I strongly agree that Justice Wargrave is very evil and questionable throughout the book. He gets everyone togeather and is so sure he is innocent and gets everyone to turn there backs on eachother and to eventually not trust anyone.
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying your observations! Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteI do not believe that there is anyone specifically evil throughout the book. All of the characters appeared questionable to me. I think everyone is scared of saying anything that will make the others go against them, so people are trying to keep their cool. I feel in doing this, they are doing the opposite, by causing suspicion amongst the others. However, the person that stood out the most to me was Emily Brent. The way she felt no remorse for her actions, seemed so immortal to me. Also, Vera Claythorne makes a great comment in saying that she feels Emily Brent is no longer odd, that she is absolutely insane. Emily Brent is a hard character to break down because she is one of the smartest on the island, but yet appears to be one of the weakest at some parts.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Tracey. I do not believe that there is one character that is any more evil than the others. In my personal perspective, I feel that Vera's crime in drowning Cyril was the most cruel of the crimes, but that does not mean that she is any more evil than Phillip Lombard when he sacrificed twenty men in order to save himself. The motives behind each of the crimes changes the way that the reader sees the crime itself. I feel that each crime committed by the different characters has its own magnitude within each of the characters, making it seem more or less evil through the perspectives the reader is given on it. In conclusion, I believe that one can not place the title of "Most Evil" on any of the characters, but can place them on the crimes that were committed. Although the crimes are awful, I do not believe that they define the characters as evil; they only show the morals and beliefs of that character.
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ReplyDelete(Sorry about the first comment, I messed up; I'm spoddy21..and about the second comment, that got deleted by accident)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Tracey. I do not believe that there is one character that is any more evil than the others. In my personal perspective, I feel that Vera's crime in drowning Cyril was the most cruel of the crimes, but that does not mean that she is any more evil than Phillip Lombard when he sacrificed twenty men in order to save himself. The motives behind each of the crimes changes the way that the reader sees the crime itself. I feel that each crime committed by the different characters has its own magnitude within each of the characters, making it seem more or less evil through the perspectives the reader is given on it. In conclusion, I believe that one can not place the title of "Most Evil" on any of the characters, but can place them on the crimes that were committed. Although the crimes are awful, I do not believe that they define the characters as evil; they only show the morals and beliefs of that character.
Sorry friends and colleagues, the name Kelly Bo Belly is my sisters old name and I was trying to figure out how to create a profile
ReplyDeleteDespite the fact that Justice Wargrave, in my opinion, is the most evil character, I feel that he sums it up perfectly when he says the most guilty characters have to live the longest in the atmosphere of terror. However, I feel that Lombard is just as evil as Vera, despite the fact that Vera lives longer.
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ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, i think there all evil in their own ways, but the definition of evil: profoundly immoral and malevolent; doesn't exactly fit all of the characters. While that is so, i think Vera Claythorne is among the most evil. She is evil because she 1) killed a child and 2) Philip Lombard dearly cared for her and in the end those who finished it know what she did(dont want to give away the ending :D). Justice Wargrave did kill 10 people with malicious intent, so it is difficult to point a finger at one individual.
ReplyDeleteI believe that every character in "And then there were none" is pretty evil, as they all thought they could get away with murder. However, some of the characters are way less evil than others. I think that there were 3 extremely evil characters. I think Emily Brent, and Tony Marston are the most evil characters. I think Brent is evil because she feels no regret to driving her pregnant maid to suicide. Tony Marston says that it was "darn bad luck" hitting and killing those children... but then he says the bad luck was for HIM, not as much for the kids. Then, obviously, Justice Wargrave is evil, but I think he could be excused from the term "evil" seeing as he obviously had something wrong with his mind, making him and insane killer.
ReplyDeleteI think one of the more evil characters is Anthony Marston because he does not feel guilt or remorse for what he did. He was just acting dumb and careless when he hit the two kids as he recklessly drove. Marston did not even know he killed them nor did he care. The fact that he did not know what he was doing as opposed to some of the others makes him more and less evil. He is more evil because he just killed the kids without thinking and he did not put much blame on himself. He is less evil though because he did not have the intention to hit someone with a car. I think all of the characters are evil though, it just depends on one's opinion if someone is more evil because they intended something or if he/she did it carelessly. Vera who I also think was one of the most evil. As opposed to Marston's, hers was the intentional drowning of a child.Either way they all killed someone which makes them evil.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. Also, I believe Dr. Armstrong is among one of the most evil. This is because he is a doctor, and someone trusted him with her life. He was being careless and stupid and killed her, doing something so simple that it should not have happened. This is sad because many people today are killed by actions of someone under the influence of alcohol, most commonly drunk driving.
As a result, Dr. Armstrong's story is sad because he could have controlled the murder, and was not intentional as some of the others.
I believe everyone was evil in their own way, it is just based on how they handled their guilt of their horrible actions.
I believe Tony Marston is most evil. How can you hit two children and just drive away like nothing happened?! It is sickening. Also it is Especially upsetting because it is young people.
ReplyDeleteI dont think Armstrong is evil. He just was stupid for drinking before work. He just needed a drink, and wasn't thinking or trying to kill anyone. Although it has dangerous effects, most people drink at some point and do something stupid. He just couldn't avoid its influence.
I also think most of the characters are evil just because their murders could hav easily been avoided. They are evil b/c most of the murders are selfish.
ReplyDeleteMarston-liked and wanted to drive wrecklessly, and killed 2 kids b/c of his desire.
Rogers'-killed Brady to get her $
Armstrong-to get his wifes loyalty
Brent-To get her beliefs are forced upon everyone, no matter what
Lombard-To survive and save supplies for himself
Wargrave-To satisfy his want to commit a murder
Blore-I didn't quite understand his crime
Claythorne-To impress Hugo
Armstrong-To drink
They are all selfish and greedy crimes. This is why they got past the law, there is no opposition to the victim, just self wants.
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