This thread has been neglected for so long and I wonder if it is because it is buried under so many other posts....let's see what happens now that I've moved it up!
It happens to everyone: words get jumbled between the brain and mouth, we enter into a conversation a moment too late... or we are simply confused. Ironically, these are the moments that help us remember the important information from class; laughter is a powerful learning tool. This is an opportunity to remember the special moments, lessons, activities, characters, and, of course, the miscommunications from our class. Help me to keep track of them and I will compile these into a booklet at the end of the year. Please remember that class rules apply: I will not tolerate any malicious attacks on any student or teacher. This is not meant to poke fun at anyone; it is meant in a spirit of reliving the occasional happy moment in our very special circle of hell :-)
Alyssa's definitions of over-the-hill = Miss Arney. grrrrr.....
ReplyDeleteI remember duiring class when Ms.Arney told us where the word F*ck comes from. For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. I know that this will definitley be one of the "important" things I learn from 9th grade english honors. ;)
ReplyDeleteand thank you for that, Taylor! :-/
ReplyDeleteI loved Miss Arney's story about the kid who told her he would be out of town and couldn't hand in an assignment. Then Miss Arney saw him in town and rumors spread about her chasing him down the street and jumping onto his car. :)
ReplyDeleteIt was soo funny at extra help when Miss Arney asked Ray what Jem obtained a maddening amount of... Ray said hormones. That was so funny! lol
ReplyDeleteToday at extra help one of the cards was who was Judge Taylor's I think secretary? The answer was Buet but no one could get it. I think the conversation went like this:
ReplyDeleteDanielle: (hinting)His name begins with B. One of the characters on sesame street?
Lauren: Barney?
Jess: BIG BIRD!!!!!!
Danielle: No, it's Bert.
Jess: It could have been Big Bird.
Miss Arney: Who would name their child or a person Big Bird?
*Bert not Buet sorry
ReplyDeleteHahaha, Danielle that was funny, me and Jess were hopeless, at least my answer sounded like a person's name!
ReplyDeleteYesterday, Alyssa accused me of stealing the TKM tests.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Miss Arney got in deeper than she thought she would when she asked us how we would convince our parents to let us go to Kelly's party.
The other day, I lent Jeremy my binder during the TKM test because he had been absent and needed the notes. In the middle of the test, he dropped my binder (which makes sense considering how enormous it is) and the papers flew everywhere. Wow J-Rose, come on. lol
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ReplyDeleteToday in class during the venting session, when Miss Arney reached Jimin's desk, she screamed across the classroom for ANYONE to give Jimin a fidget because she was breaking down.
ReplyDeleteIn class Billy had to be given a fidget while freaking out during our venting session.
ReplyDeleteJimin screaming so loud that Miss Arney said it was a 'fidget emergency'.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Miss Arney said to give me a 'G' meaning of GELATIn and we all screamed 'G'!
When Miss Arney did a scream, I think even worse than the furies scream, when she saw in one of her old students' essays that they had use the word "I". It was pretty scary!
ReplyDeleteI also liked when we were venting and I think it was Victoria but im not positive told the story of kids trying to set their midterm packets on fire with a liter. It's dangerous but you can't help but laugh.
I found it really funny when Erin was like screaming during the venting session about her ugly teachers. Erin, I would have never expected that out of you... lol :)
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ReplyDeleteWhen Miss Arney was explaining nouns of direct address, she used the examples, "Let us eat, Grandma," and "Let us eat Grandma." This immediately caused every head to turn to Grace. I wonder why (cough, cough)...
ReplyDeleteMaybe b/c Grace wants to throw out all of her parents trophies?
ReplyDeleteMiss Arney told Jimin that she had an incomplete homework because she was absent and did not have the homework packet. Miss Arney was being totally serious and Jimin believed her and asked if she said get a 'Dog Ate my Homework'.
ReplyDeleteI know...poor Jimin. I shouldn't tease her like that! But, if I remember correctly Tracey, you were laughing so hard you were crying!
ReplyDeleteI know I couldn't contain myself!
ReplyDeleteHaha, referring back to what Terence said, I wouldn't have even expected that of myself. I think I needed to vent... BADLY.
ReplyDeleteAnd I was hysterically laughing when Victoria was talking about the lighters.
I am not sure if anyone posted this yet but when Miss Arney told us the story about her visiting her student Eugene's house. Eugene's mom told him Miss Arney was there and then there was screaming. All of a sudden Miss Arney heard, "Eugene! DON'T JUMP OFF THE DECK!" Then I think his mom said Eugene isn't here right now. I think if Miss Arney came to my house I might be a little worried at first but I don't think it would be that drastic that I would jump off my porch!
ReplyDeleteMiss Arney said to 'rip apart' the daily reflections from former students. Jeremy literally 'ripped' his.
ReplyDeleteTracey, that's what I did too! Except all I did was rip the pages off of the staple.... not tearing them to shreds!
ReplyDeleteWhile discussing modern language like text messages we got most of the obvious explinations like lol (laugh out loud) jk ( just kidding ) and then all of the sudden Jeremy adds "Yeah like an interabang". So today the entire class including Miss Arney learned that ?! is an interabang.
ReplyDeleteErika: Actually, I was proud of myself when I was able to use intero bang in a sentence when AMANDA TRIED TO TRIP ME!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with all the talk about interrobangs?!
ReplyDeleteThis did not actually happen in class, but I thought it would be funny. I got home a few nights ago and I was starting Journal 2 for the opinions and reviews. I was so stressed out because I had just gotten home from swimming and hadn't even started my journal. I went upstairs, got on the computer and started my intro. My brother came up a few minutes later and asked ," Can I go on? I need to check out a video on youtube." I gave him my most evil expression looked him in the eye and said,"Over my dead body are you going on this computer." My brother immediatley left me alone, and I finished my introduction in peace. :)
ReplyDeleteToday in class Miss Arney told us we were going to be listening to a song and Victoria said, "Please don't say it's 'Pants on the Ground'!"
ReplyDeleteOn Friday during the vocab test I was having an absolute mental breakdown. I was like hyperventiating and thinking in my head "I'm done". I literally thought I had missed a whole unit of vocabulary or something. When you told us it was the wrong vocab test I almost shouted out of joy.
ReplyDeleteToday we were talking about the ACT being a happy place like Disney. Somebody said that there should be a game on Wii about it, indluding all of the pre-test exercises. I then said, "'You just won the Superbowl, what are you going to do now?' 'I'M GOING TO TAKE THE ACT!!!"
ReplyDeleteJason, I wanted to post that!!!! Yea, but it was soooo funny. Then, today during the vocab test Jeremy woudn't stop chuckling in the back of the room when we were all trying to take the test. When we all stopped to ask him what happened, he said nothing. He wouldn't stop...it was so weird and annoying, but funny. lol
ReplyDeleteIt was a combination of the "calming" background music and the weird look Miss Arney gave me after I dramatically flipped my test paper over.
ReplyDelete" well miss arney couldnt zeus have technically budded dionysis since he came out of his leg?"
thank you jeremy for tieing bio with mythology..only you jrose
(oh sorry for the reallly long name that im posting this on- i was in 7th grade and thought addign a whole bunch of letters was cool! yeah not so much...."
Paige, there are no really long letters. What are you talking about???? It was funny during the like, lightning fast movie today no one could keep up. It was like the people were speaking a different language!
ReplyDeleteThere was a massive venting session today in period 9.
ReplyDeleteI know this isn't about English but Miss Arney said we had to post about Jeremy and Terence's child from the bio lab. Her name was Jeremina after her mother and she looked like a wolf vampire creature so Terence gave her fangs.
ReplyDeleteToday when we were first listening to Romeo and Juliet in Act I Scene i when the two characters Gregory and Sampson kept making these perverted jokes about women and themselves and how they would "go out to dinner". I think the funniest part about it was the voices of the characters. It is hard to describe what they sound like but they just made the whole situation funnier!
And also how we learned that biting one's thumb at someone is an insult. That isn't weird at all or anything?
I can tell that Romeo and Juliet is going to be a very awkward play that we read in English, by the first few lines of dialogue said between Gregory and Sampson. I didn't know Shakespeare was such a pervert!
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ReplyDeleteWho knew that Ms. DeNoyelles could be so tough?
ReplyDeleteToday in class when we were watching Romeo and Juliet, Romeo was standing on a tree kissing Juliet pretty intensely who was on her balcony and someone said "How does he do that?" and Jeremy says, "Through the power of love"! It was also pretty cool when he jumped from the tree to the balcony!
ReplyDeleteIts Romeo the man _____ as Alyssa calls him... Fill in the blank. lol Also, in the movie, Romeo jumped from the ground and like through a tree and onto the porch and like on top of Juliet within a split second as if he were like spiderman or something... lol It was so creepy.
ReplyDeleteSo it's creepy when Romeo sneaks over the Capulet's wall, climbs a tree, and goes onto Juliet's porch to kiss her, but it's not creepy when Edward Cullen from Twilight climbs the side of Bella's house into her room and watches her sleep? Personally I think Romeo and Juliet is more romantic in that scenario than Twilight.
ReplyDeleteYou also have to give props to Romeo with his climbing and jumping skills considering he isn't a vampire.
ReplyDeleteToday during class when Miss Arney said she wanted to put a webcam in our class and then Mr. Furdon suddenly appeared out of no where and was like "why do you need a webcam?!"
ReplyDeleteWhen Alyssa said Romeo only liked Juliet because of her big ______ and that she knew we were all thinking it. Im not sure if this is appropriate to say on a viewable school website even though we talk about all this in Miss Arney's class!
ReplyDeleteThere was so many funny things today so I'll just mention one. After we learned the meaning of the Nurse's husband saying that Juliet will fall back one day, Jeremy said, "Is that foreshadowing for later on in the play?"
ReplyDeleteAnother one was when Miss Arney asked what your parents would like your husband/wife to be like and Terence said "handsome!"
ReplyDeleteFalling back? According to Paige, not always!
ReplyDeleteToday, Alyssa said again that Romeo likes Juliet because of her big -----. Welcome to the Question Quota Club, Alyssa!
ReplyDeleteending 3rd quarter notes but...
ReplyDeleteOn day of grammar test:
Julie: "So I heard you take the test...then you die."
Miss Arney: "Yes, pretty much. I just finished cleaning up all of the dead bodies."
Jeremy: "Oh, so that's how you are dealing with overpopulation."
After getting back from the biology field trip, I came to take the WordMasters test and Amanda and Victoria were playing Jeremy in hangman-Jeremy was trying to guess the phrase. He only had a few letters left of the phrase left and one of the words was "SUPER_ISED." It took him about ten minutes to figure out that the word was "supervised"
ReplyDeleteReally funny, Jason. Ha ha.
ReplyDeleteToday in class:
Miss Arney: Does anyone know what Edward calls Bella in Twilight?
Terence: Hunny Bunny?
Today Miss Arney said in her creepy voice, "Time to play". Jeremy shot up from his chair and sprinted out of the room because he was scared. Then someone said Quick close the door, so Alyssa ran towards the door but Miss Arney blocked her off first.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Miss Arney, for blocking off Alyssa.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, is that creepy line from a movie or book, or did you just make it up?
Made it up :-)
ReplyDeleteIs it the line that is creepy...or just me?!?!
It's a combination of the line and the way you say it. Please tell me you don't have any other lines like that.
ReplyDeleteDoggy grammer when someone said "you have to woof when completing the assignment ". Then that started evreyones imagination ,so Miss Arney said "If you good you get a bone". Then Jermy got punny and said "Instead of a bonus you get a bone".Also Miss Arney said her book about her dedication in teaching(which I think would be great!) would cure insomnia. LOL :)
ReplyDeleteActually, I said that, not Jeremy!!!!! I was the punny one. ugh, Jeremy... always stealing my credit!!!!! lol jk Jar