Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The FINAL Forum

As the largest part of the exam will be to analyze the critical lens prompts and the essential questions, here is a forum for you to ponder, muse, ask questions, and offer support.  Please see the link from our website that provides the possible prompts.
This is for your use...I will not get angry if someone needs to ask help about remembering a character's name.  This will close for extra credit as of Saturday at midnight; however, it will remain open until after the final exam is over to give you a place to study or seek moral support!
...BTW: did you notice that the right-hand column of this blog homepage has grammar and SAT-practice questions that might be helpful for the grammar section of the final?


  1. I'm really worried about the shorty essay response and the CRitical Lens Essay.

    For the short essay I know we are supposed to use the Jane Schaeffer model. But wat do we use as our CD's and CM's?

  2. Miss Arney, for the critical lens essay, if we know a quote by heart, but don't know the exact line numbers, can we still put it in the essay?

  3. Taylor:
    Your CDs are just like any others...proof from the text to support your argument. The CMs analyze those details, providing your reasons why they answer the essential question and how they tie to the theme/ purpose of the author.

    Megan: Yes. I do not expect you to memorize page numbers, but if you know a quote pretty well (like Atticus's definition of courage) but are off by one or two words, you may put it in quotes. Just remember to ICE it.

  4. Miss Arney, I was looking at Terence's notes, and I am not completely sure how to write the body paragraphs? Is this what you are looking for?

    In And Then There Were None, evil succeeds in triumphing over and conquering the good in people through the twisted mind of Justice Wargrave. In an attempt to make it harder on the police to solve the crime, Wargrave fakes his own death and convinces Dr. Armstrong, another man on the island, to assist him in “catching the murderer”. This shows that gullible and unsure individuals can easily be persuaded to assist those committing evil deeds. Because Armstrong is unable to resist the powerful persuasive ability of evil, evil is able to conquer him. Additionally, after Wargrave commits suicide toward the end of the novel, the police are unable to figure out the identity of the killer. This proves that some criminals, no matter how evil they are, are never prosecuted. Therefore, since Wargrave is never caught, evil is able to triumph over good. Overall, And Then There Were None is a perfect example of literature in which evil is able to not only triumph but conquer.

  5. Also, in the conclusion, if we are disproving the quote, when we connect the argument to the modern world/ compare and contrast how the novels express it, are we supposed to be using the argument in the quote or the opposite argument?

  6. Does anyone remember who Oedipus's real parents were?

  7. Oedipus's real mother was his wife and his father was King Lauix, or something like that, sorry I'm not definite!

  8. Erika, Oedipus' real parents were Laius and Jocasta

  9. Erika, names of Oedipus's real parents were Laius and Jocasta.
    His step-parents were polybus and Merope.

  10. For Critical lens essay, "You must look into people as well as at them" - Chesterfield was one of the quotes.

    I know that To Kill a Mockingbird relates to this quote because Atticus tell Scout about thinking in other person's shoe, and Atticus says in the end that everyone is nice once you get to them.

    What is another literature supporting this quote?

    Also, do i need to explain what i think the quote is about?

  11. Jimin, in the introduction, the E stands for explain the lens. And also another work of literature could be Lord of the flies.

  12. For short paragraph, i have a question about this quote: "What is a monster?"

    Can monster be idea like prejustice and sexist/racist? or does it have to be actual person like Roger and Jack?

  13. No problem and i think that either could be a monster as long as you explain why. But i would also check with Miss Arney

  14. I think it can Jimin. Harper Lee might say that there is one monster in her novel, it's not Boo Radley, but the closed-mindedness of the people of Maycomb County. It lies inside the subconsciousness of everyone's brain and deteriates any unique decisions. And then Atticus is like the knight in shining armor as he "rescues" the people from this illusion and opens their minds to the world.

    And besides there is only one monster in the world and that's the one with cookies. :) lol

  15. Thanks so much Kevin and Megan :D

    I need so much help with writing section :(

    "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested" -- Bacon

    Can this qoute be interpreted as some books are direct, but some are not because it has many symbolisms and themes? Or is that too general?

  16. Jimin, don't worry, I do too!
    Also, I think you have the right idea, it's basically saying that all books are to be read but some have an even deeper meaning to them ( and that's where you can add in symbolism and etc.)
    Just in case I'm wrong though, also check with Miss. Arney.

  17. Yeah, I agree with Lauren about Jimin's question. Two good examples would be To Kill a Mockingbird and Lord of the Flies. To Kill a Mockingbird may seem like it is just a story about a girl growing up and a trial on the surface, but really it has so many opinions about human nature and so much symbolism. Lord of the Flies is the same way. If you do not take into account the symbolism in it, it is merely a book about boys stuck on an island who fight. But add the symbolism and there are many important themes like, "Man is essentially evil."
    Also, I'm wondering if anyone agrees with me on this... I'm fairly certain, but not 100%, and I'm wondering if someone could please help by giving me a second opinion. For the question, "Is a sense of justice intrinsic to human nature?" I know To Kill a Mockingbird could be used, and so could And Then There Were None, but I want to avoid using that unless I absolutely have to because it's not fresh in my mind... Does anyone think Lord of the Flies applies too? Like when the savages kill Simon?

  18. Erin, I completely agree with that statement, because it shows how they are being savages and taking out their fears upon Simon (the "religion")

  19. Sorry for not posting earlier, guys. I am trying to let you work through this by yourselves, but I want to make certain you don't think I have abandoned you.
    For the most recent questions, you are on the right track (Erin, Jimin, Lauren, Kevin, Megan). And you are realizing that there are monsters other than those like Scylla and Charybdis. Just remember that a monster is usually a physical entity (like a person), not a concept. BUT a concept internalized in a group of individuals can be monstrous.

    Jeremy: I have been power-grading in the corner of my apartment and my phone was in my office; it's a little too late to call now:
    I don't know what Terence's notes said, but your first CM should connect the CD to a literary element (theme; setting; characterization; symbolism; POV to name a few) and the second to the thesis (lens / topic sentence).
    As for the conclusion, maintain your perspective and show how it is still untrue in the world today. OR compare/contrast the characters or authors.

    BTW, everyone. I am trying sooo very hard to get everything graded, but I don't think I will be physically able to complete it before your exam. I'd like to pick a day after next week (the last week of exams) when you can pick up envelopes with all remaining papers and your print outs AND the "memories" for the year. I can try to arrange it after one of your exams. What is everyone's exam schedule like?

  20. Miss Arney, If your in all honors and ap its
    monday 10 am
    tues 12 30- ap
    weds 1230- bio
    thurs 8 am spanish and geometry at 1230

  21. Miss Arney, to add on what paige said if you're in earth science the exam is at 12:30 on june 22

  22. One question: Amanda...D? Please indicate your last initial; there are two Amandas in the Eng9H program and I don't know to whom to give credit.

  23. Thank you, Miss Arney! I'm sorry I didn't reply to your comment (it was very late and I had to get to bed). I still couldn't figure out what you were saying (probably because I was half asleep when I was reading it), but I think I got it at around two in the morning.

    For example, with the quote, "Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength," would this be a good body paragraph?

    In Harper Lee's novel, Bob Ewell uses rudeness as a way to make up for the fact that he has absolutely no credibility. During his testimony at a trial caused by his attempt to convict an innocent black man of rape, Ewell treats Atticus like a piece of dirt. Because of this, one could characterize Ewell as weak man who spouts off at others to make himself feel better. This proves that Ewell is trying to pretend that he is actually strong inside. Then, after he is humiliated at the trial, Ewell approaches Atticus and spits in his face. This despicable action proves that good and evil can coexist in the same world right next to each other. By spitting in Atticus's face, Ewell is trying to make up for his lack of strength with his rude behavior. Overall, Bob Ewell uses rudeness toward others to pretend he actually has inner strength.

    By the way, I am really sorry I have been bothering you so much this weekend.

  24. Jeremy: that is perfect!! You get the term "characterize" in there, so you meet the criteria of the lens and your response is well developed and connects the quote to the story. "treats him like dirt" is a little colloquial, though.
    You aren't bothering me...I just re-injured my back this weekend and cannot move to answer the phone...which I keep away from me to avoid distractions as I am grading.

    Your classmates should be happy that you provided a model paragraph for them!

  25. Thank you for relieving some of my stress, Miss Arney. If only AP World could be the same... I'm sorry you re-injured your back.

  26. For the quote:In literature, evil often triumphs but never conquers, I think TKM would prove it and LOF can disprove it but I can not think of two books that prove or disprove it...any ideas?

  27. Also, does anyone know some themes from Romeo and Juliet?

  28. Emily, I think you can use Odyssey to prove the quote. Because Odysseus was able to over come all those obstacles and "evil" and return home. But I'm not completely sure about that...

  29. Emily, you could use And Then There Were None to disprove it. Themes for Romeo and Juliet could include:
    One must look past the surface to see true beauty.
    Rash decisions often lead to bad consequences.
    Think before you act.
    Don't be afraid to communicate your problems with others.
    (To the Friar: Keep it simple, s-----.)

  30. Are the multiple choice questions about LOF about the symbolism of characters that we discussed on Friday, or are they just on the book in general?

  31. For the TS it is a restatement of our thesis? OR simply a start off to both body paragraphs? Also, are we using "indeed" and "while...etc." in the TS or in the 'E' part of the Intro? Thanks to any help

    @Annette: I believe that the LOF questions are a mixture of both since we went over the whole book, we should be able to comprhend both no? I think you should just study over the generalized plot as well as important symbols (conch, Piggy's glasses, fire, pig, etc.) Hope that helped!!

  32. For the quote "God has given you one face, and you make yourself another" by Shakespeare, I got Jack from The Lord of the Flies but i don't know another character that would demonstrate this?

  33. Julie, you might be able to use Bob Ewell because he lies about Tom raping Mayella. Also you might be able to use Oedipus because he has a "fake identity". Which either one would be explained better, i would use.

  34. sorry miss arney, amanda de courcey.. i wrote the comments about the earth science exam, and answered erika's question about laius and jocasta

  35. Besides TKMB, what other novel can be used for "whenever there is a crowd, there is untruth?"

  36. For that one Annette I would say LOTF. Because once the mob mentality (jack's group) takes over everyone's individual values are lost. Sort of like how the mob in TKAM loses their individual beliefs when they organize togehter. Hope that helps.

    Also what books would be used for the question do books need a beginning middle and an end?

  37. For the introduction in the Connect the lens to 2 works of literature, we're supposed to have 3 sentences right? 1 of them is the bridge and the other 2 are "movie announcer voice" brief annotations?

  38. hey if anyone wants extra practice with parts of a sentence use this..


    I found it when I was looking for extra practice and it's really helping

  39. Thank you, Ally!

    BTW, My Favorite Scholars, since I won't be finishing up averages tonight, I WILL count today's contribution on the blogs toward your participation points.
    I will be calculating averages later this week after I finish the final exams, so if you want to add more to the superlatives or add your favorite classroom moment, please do so!

  40. Thanks Ally!
    Erika-That question is a little confusing but I think you can use LOF proving it because as the book goes on, the characters become more savage like. In the beginning they all get along but at the end, the island is set on fire and 2 people have died. So as the book goes from beginning to end, the true personalities of the characters emerge. I don't know if that makes sense but I hope that helps!!

  41. Thanks Emily. yeah that one is a little confusing. Also thank you Ally for the website. And for the one paragraph we are just proving the question with refernces to one book, right? and should this be 3 CD's or 2??

  42. Yes Erika, for the paragraph it is just one book.
    And we are supposed to be using the Jane Schaeffer Model which has two concrete details in it, so i think we would use two CD's then.
