I realize that Edith Hamilton's Mythology is laborious reading. Let's focus on the love stories: those that succeed and those that, well, end in absolute disaster.
Please share your favorite romantic tale or vent about one that was just too miserable to have ever been created.
Don't forget to think about the purpose of the myth: is there an element of nature that has been immortalized by the lovers (such as a flower, tree, etc.)?
My favorite love story is the story of Philemon and Baucis. I like that this one has a good ending (unlike others that end in unnecessary suicides). I think that it is so cute the way that they have such great hospitality and share everything with Jupiter and Mercury when they have nothing to offer. This is one of the stories where i feel justice is correctly served for the fact that the humble lovers were able to choose there reward to never be without the other. This is symbolized through the liden and the oak that grew from one trunk.
ReplyDeleteThe love story of Pyramus and Thisbe really interests me. Although it does not end happily, it's plot seems very well-thought-out. It's very upsetting, but while I was reading it, I was not bored, as I was for most of the other parts of Mythology.
ReplyDeleteThe story of Cupid and Psyche really catches my attention. The plot has many twists and turns that make it interesting for me to read. It shows how jealousy can really change people and asking the gods and goddesses for forgiveness is always the best thing to do when in a crisis. I was surprised and contented that it ended happily with Cupid and Psyche's marriage, instead of the many other tragic love stories.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Erika. My favorite love story is definitley the tale of Baucis and Philemon. I enjoyed this tale because these people were truly in love and down to earth. They did not need "cheat codes" from the gods to keep their lives fullfilled. I feel that they were truly deserving of the elaborate palace and to live together happily because they already viewed their life as amazing and fortunate even when they really were not. Their selflessness is a lesson to all.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, Daphne's story was too breif and boring. Something more interesting should happen after Daphne runs away from Apollo and yells for help. Instead, she turns into a laurel tree and the story ends. I think it would be more exciting if the story continued and Daphne eventually fell in love with Apollo.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Erin. I loved Pyramus and Thisbe! It's sound corny but i thought it was beautiful, even though it ended in tragedy. Their love for each other was uncomprable, and how the tree was stained a deep red was gorgeous. I love it!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Erika. The story of Baucis and Philemon is one of the most interesting and nice love stories of them all. Even thought the couple could not afford to have guests and serve them dinner, they did beacuse it was the courteous thing to do. When the guests revealed their identity (they were both gods), they were granted a wish to reward them for their hospality. The wish made the tale end sweetly when they both wished to be together forever and therefore, like Erika said, they died as trees growing from one trunk.
ReplyDeleteI have to say i disagree with Annette, I loved Daphne's story. I thought that it was cute and also amussing. I like how Apollo said to be the most charming God didn't have any "game". One line of the story that really made me think of the Gods in a more human wasy was when Apollo saw Daphne in the forest hunting. He was struck by her beauty and fell in love. I imagine that this would be the same reaction that any man would have if they were to see someone as georgeous as Daphne.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Erin and Kelly. I loved Pyramus and Thisbe. Even though their story ends tragically their love is everlasting and the white berries turning red was such a good symbol of that. I also loved the story of Cupid and Psyche. Psyche proves her love for cupid and true love conquers all and they end up happily together. Even though this was one of the longer stories it did not take me long to read because it was my favorite.
ReplyDeleteThe love story of Pyramus and Thisbe interests me. Their love is everlasting even though their story end tragically. Also, the story of Cupid and Psyche is lovely. Although ironic thing is that Cupid hide his identity. I wonder why... *ALSO THIS MUSIC IS FROM "GRAMMAR NINJA"!!!!*
ReplyDeleteI Agree with Erika and Tara,
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved the story of Philemon and Baucis. I found it very humorous the way Jupiter and Mercury whimsically decided to go down to earth and make sure that mortals were being hospitable to each other. It was heart warming to see this little old couple who didn't have much to spare open their doors to complete strangers and help them in their time of need. The part I found post touching was when they realized who the men actually were, and were given the option of having any wish granted. It showed their immense love for each other, only wanting to never have to be apart. This story shows love in its purest and sweetest form.
I also loved the story of Philemon and Baucis. They truly are incredible people, and I believe that the love they share for each other and the care for other people is difficult to recreate in today's society. Not only is love like that rare in modern times, but so is that kind of kindness toward strangers.
ReplyDeleteI agree Marissa. When you read about stories like that you just wish that you could let anyone in your house today, but thats not realistic. You always have to have your guard up.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Marissa and Kelly. I think a huge part of the reason why the world has changed so much is the media. On the news there are all these terrible crimes, that it's enough to instill paranoia in almost anyone's mind. The unfortunate thing is that not everyone wants to hurt you, but enough people do, honestly. So the good go unrewarded. The story of Baucis and Philemon is happy, and after reading it I felt more sure of the human race, in a way.
ReplyDeleteKelly, I agree with the fact that you do always have to "have your guard up" and can't let anyone in your house today. In modern times, it's almost impossible to even think about doing something like that.
ReplyDeleteErin, I also agree with the fact that the good go unrewarded. With all of the negative things going on in the world that the media provokes, all of the positive things are simply unnoticed.
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ReplyDeleteI like the story of Pygmalion and Galatea even though i find it weird that he fell in love with a statue. I like the happy ending and how Pygmalion and Galatea are together in the end. I think that Pygmalion did not find love until he created Galatea because she was his perfect image of how a woman should be. It is bizarre though dressing her and caring for her while inanimate. I also think the story shows kindness of the gods when Aphrodite made Galatea alive.
ReplyDeleteI personally love the story of Baucis and Philemon. Its so nice that they get to stay together all their life and not ever have to be lonely.
ReplyDeleteI never liked the story of Daphne and Apollo . I just thought it was pointless and I felt bad for Daphne that she had to give up her life basically and become a tree just because Apollo loved her. Apollo was a good looking god and could get whoever he wanted, but he had to stalk the one girl who did not want to be with him or anyone else for that matter. But I guess thats how it is in life too. I just didnt like that story and pitied Daphne.
I agree with Tara and Erika. I loved the story of Baucis and Philemon. They were so kind to the complete strangers and welcomed them into their home even though they didn't have much. They were hospitable to Jupiter and Mercury and were rewarded. I thought it was a really cute story about true love and being hospitable.
ReplyDeleteCupid and Psyche all the way! They were by far my favorite because I liked the fact that Psyche could become immortal, and she overcame a goddess's anger. And overall I like how the whole thing played out and Cupid's love for her.
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ReplyDeleteI personally dislike Daphne story compare to others. It has no twist or happy ending. I just thought it was pointless. I felt bad for Daphne that she had to give up her life basically and become a tree just because Apollo loved her. Apollo was a good looking god, but he didn't think about other person's thought about him because he thought everyone loved him. I guess thats how it is in life too. I just didnt like the story and pitied Daphne.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Paige. Cupid and Psyche's story was very interesting and exciting. I pitied Psyche when Aphrodite made her do all those dangerous tasks. Also, I found it cute how the ants helped her seperate the seeds. Thte happy ending was another positive part of the myth.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite story in mythology would be Pyramis and Thisbe. Even though this story did not have a happy ending it showed the true feelings showed by mortals even today. This kind of true feelings is also shown in William Shakespear's play, Romeo and Juliet. I personally love this story even though it is sad in the end
ReplyDeleteI agree with Erika and Tara, that Baucis and Philemon was a very lovable story. It ended nicely, because even though they died, they died together at a time that was right for them. Also their hospitality was rewarded by the gods, and their story truly teaches lessons and morals of acts of kindness.
I don't like the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. It is too sad and melancholy for my taste, and I prefer happy endings. Orpheus goes to the underworld to get his beloved Eurydice back after she dies. He risks his own life to get her, and then he ends up with nothing. Hades strikes a deal with him; he is forced to look forward as he leaves the underworld and hope that Hades will keep his side of the bargain by letting his wife follow him out. Right when he is about to leave he turns around to see if Eurydice is there. She is, but the damage is done and she disapears from sight. Unable to get back to the underworld, Orpheus roams the Earth playing his music, and without a wife. It would have been a much better story if Orpheus had trusted Hades and he had left with his wife.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Erin. Fortunatley there are plenty of people who are good and they are rewarded. I'm not saying that every person who is good is rewarded, but there are people who do something good, or life saving and they are rewarded. For example, the man that saved everyone who was on the plane when it crashed into the Hudson River ended up on television and got some type of medal.
ReplyDeleteThe Baucis and Philemon story was my favorite. It taught values and even had a nice ending. What I enjoyed the most was how Baucis and Philemon were so unselfish and giving that they had found favor from the gods. It shows that kindness is key. Another thing about the story had to definately be how they both chose to die at the same time so they were forever as one.
ReplyDeleteOverall the good go unrewarded, though, I still think, especially when it comes to the media. In the morning, when you turn on the news, it's all bad, almost always. The bad things get so much attention and the media makes money off of us because it makes us scared.
ReplyDeleteCaptain Sullenberger was one good thing. And there have been and will be good things the news will focus on... But mostly, what we see is bad. It's strategic for them.