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Prepare for the review game by posting some questions for your classmates to answer!
Can anybody generally explain Agamemnon and his Children? I don't need all the details, just the gist of it, considering I understood most of it I think.
ReplyDeleteWhen Agamemnon came home, people praised him but they were also nervous. Clytemnestra had found a lover and killed Agamemnon as revenge for him killing their daughter. (Her lover is Aegisthus.) He said they also have to kill Agamemnons's son Orestes but the daughter Electra could live. Electra though was kept inside like a prisoner. Orestes wasn't there at the time but when he returned later to the city, he visited the oracle of Apollo. Apollo told him to kill his mother and her lover, so he did. He then freed Electra. Fast foward to later on and Orestes visits Athena to be cleansed of guilt. At first she was angry for him killing his mother, but Apollo told her he told Orestes to kill Clytemnestra. Athena then cleansed Orestes. I hope that is brief enough and that it helps!
Does anyone know how the world was created? I understand the rebellions against the fathers but I still don't see how they created the world?
ReplyDeleteI'm not positively sure, but, I believe that Demeter's first cornfield was the beginning of settlement on earth. With that came the seasons when Demeter's daughter Persephone was taken by Hades. Also the creation of "woman" came when Prometheus had been convincing people to care for themselves, then the gods. Men were soon leaving the gods only scraps left over from their meals and this did not make Zeus very happy at all. So in turn he created Pandora, who "from her, the first woman, comes the race of women , who are an evil to men, with a nature to do evil." She had a curiosity that could not be tamed and although she was told to never open a certain box, she did anyway. with that came plagues, sorrow and mischief. So essentially that is the creation of the world and all its faults.
Courtney, Chaos was the first thing that existed in the universe. Night and Erebus (the depth where death dwells) were its children. From Darkness and Death, Love was born. Love created Light with Day. Then, Heaven and Earth appeared. Their children and grandchilren rebelled. The purpose of the rebellions was to get rid of monsters and make the world ready for mankind. So, the rebellions didn't actually make the world, they made it ready for humans to live in it.
ReplyDeleteI remember hearing a question today about Pegasus but i do not remember reading about it in the book. does anyone know where it is in
Erika, the story of the creation of Pegasus is in Part III Chapter I also called "Perseus" which talks about when Medusas's blood touched the water and Pegasus was created. There is also the story of Pegasus and Bellerophon in
ReplyDelete"The Four Great Adventurers" section in Mythology(this is not about the creation of him though). I hope this helps!
Thanks Danielle.
ReplyDeleteFor the god/ goddess assignment it says to go to her site, but the site isn't loading, so could somebody give me the link?
Sure, Lauren.
ReplyDeleteHere it is, http://www.prhs.k12.ny.us/fac/arneyd/English%209Honors/Modern%20Myth%20assignment.htm
hope it helps!
Thanks so much Tracey!
I was studying the mythology cards at lunch and one of them asked who the god of slighted love was. I think the answer was Anteros. I do not remember reading about him though, but I was curious if anyone knew who he was and if we should know about him.
ReplyDeleteDanielle, I don't remember reading about Anteros, either. But I just looked him up on Google... It says he was the son of Aphrodite and Aros, and he became a "playmate" or friend of Eros. Some websites are saying he was Eros' brother.
ReplyDeleteThank you Erin. I didn't remeber reading about him either.It is probably in the book somewhere but from an unassigned myth. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteNo problem, Danielle. I used him for my Mythology yearbook, so after writing that answer I had ended up finding him in the book and researching him more. He is portrayed in a similar way as Cupid, I found out, if that helps in any way at all.
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ReplyDeleteIs the gold crown Hera's symbol?
ReplyDeleteWho was the youngest of the gods and always caused trouble?
I was also wondering about the golden crown.
ReplyDeleteI think Hermes is the god that was always causing trouble.
I was looking though the green mythology notes packet and on page 12 it says that Charon is the ferryman on the River Styx.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I thought that he traveled on the Acheron.
Which one is correct?
He definitely traveled on the Acharon, but I think that in some stories he was also on Styx.
ReplyDeleteIs the Mythology exam just on the green packet and the book or is it also on the beginning of The Odyssey because I recognized some of the information for the practice test had to do with it.
ReplyDeleteAnnette: you are absolutely correct. The traditional stories have him on the Acheron; however, he has been put on the Styx since. His OFFICIAL river is the one that sounds like his name.
ReplyDeleteDanielle: it doesn't cover the Odyssey or epic...just what is covered in the green packet or from the notes on Hell/ the Underworld
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