Topics for Journal 1:
a) Discuss the thematic concept of outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird.
b) Were Atticus's actions regarding the death of Bob Ewell hypocritical, immoral, or illegal. NOTE: If you choose to do this one (a persuasive essay), you may do an introductory paragraph, one con paragraph and one pro for practice.
So no conclusion is needed?
ReplyDeleteNot for these journals...I want to focus on practicing introductions, thesis statements, and topic sentences. We'll hit conclusions later on.
ReplyDeleteDo we need to include quotes as our concrete details?
ReplyDeleteAlso, should the A from GELATin be annoting the entire book or the key aspects from the book that apply to your essay?
ReplyDeleteAs per the directions, one CD MUST be a direct quote; the rest are up to you: paraphrases or direct quotes. And the A should always be an annotation focused on the key elements that apply to your essay.
ReplyDeleteFor the second journal assignment, if I was saying Atticus is not a hypocrite or not breaking the law would the paragraphs for the persuasive journal be intro, con (hypocrite), pro (not a hypocrite) or intro, pro (not a hypocrite), pro(not a hypocrite)? We sort of talked about how it was persuasive in class but I am not sure if we should mention the con side at all in the essay.
ReplyDeleteDanielle: I thought I clarified up above in the description of the thread, but you should do a con paragraph just for practice with the transitions and structure.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, if you would prefer to write two pro paragraphs, I would be fine with that.
Whoops sorry! I didn't look at the agenda page before I wrote my comment I just was looking at the assignment on the packet. Thank you Miss Arney!
ReplyDeleteFor the TAG, do we have to say that it's a buildingsroman? Or can we just say that TKAM is a novel?
ReplyDeleteI think that just saying that it is a novel would be fine, but I am not sure.
ReplyDeleteI said it was an historical fiction novel.
Miss Arney,
Also, in regards to the CD's, you are saying at least one in each of the two body paragraphs should be a direct quote?
No...One CD (TOTAL in the journal) should be a quote. The other 3 CDs do not need to be.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jason and Tracey!
ReplyDeleteMiss Arney,
ReplyDeleteAbove you said to Danielle she could write 2 pro paragraphs and 1 con paragraph for journal number 2. Is that mandatory or would we be okay with just writing 1 con and 1 pro?
For our grabber if we use a question, can the question have the word "you" in it? I know that the journal cannot be written in 1st or 2nd person but if the question is being directed toward the reader is that alright?
ReplyDeleteKelly, I think Miss. was saying that really your supposed to do one paragraph on the con side and one on the pro, but if Danielle wanted she could write two on the pro and none on the Con side.
ReplyDeleteAlso I was confused on the Con paragraph, after our concrete details should the commentary be on the con side or should it be proving our argument?
*Miss Arney
ReplyDeleteThank you Lauren! Tori I don't think you are allowed to use you in the essay at all but I may be wrong.
ReplyDeleteTori: it makes it sound more juvenile; try to form a question without it.
ReplyDeleteAs for pro and con: I would prefer one pro and one con paragraph. Since you do not have critics to bounce off of, your CDs would be from the book and the commentaries would explain / analyze/ connect them to the topic sentence.
If you would rather do two pro paragraphs, I will not detract points.
Does this make sense?
For the first daily reflection We are supposed to have 2 body paragraphs. Should the body paragraphs be centered around 2 characters who are outsiders?
ReplyDeleteYes, my notes from class on Friday say it it should be two outside characters.
Thanks Miss Arney!
ReplyDeleteShould it be double-spaced?
Everything is usually double spaced, i am double spacing mine. However, i maybe wrong.
ReplyDeleteIs bildungsroman supposed to be capitalized in the daily reflection? Microsoft word keeps trying to capitalize it.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you Tracey.
Taylor: Yes (Tracey is correct).
ReplyDeleteTracey: Theresa is correct - please double space.
Taylor: Yes, capitalize it.
For the CMs in the con paragraph would the first CM be relating to the con side and then the second CM be relating to the pro side kind of like the midterm essay or would it be two con CMs?
ReplyDeleteyou can do either...
ReplyDeletewait, Danielle - I thought you were writing two pro paragraphs...
should there be a direct quote in each of the body paragraphs for the pros and cons?
ReplyDeleteBefore I just was not sure if we were supposed to do two pros or a con and pro because I didn't look at the agenda. But now I am doing the con and pro paragraphs because it was the assignment and it would probably be better practice for persuasive essays. Thank you though for allowing us to do the two pro paragraphs if we wanted to and thank you for answering my question and sorry if I was confusing you! Would you prefer we do the CMs a certain way or it really does not matter?
ReplyDeleteTheresa, I think you only need one direct quote in the whole journal but you can use more than one if you want to.
ReplyDeleteThanks Miss Arney!
That was my question before, and Miss Arney said only one direct quote is required throughout the journal, but I'm sure if you use more than one it is fine.
Is there any specific format for the body paragraphs of the outsiders journal other than 8 sentences, 2 CD's and 4 CMs format and having one outsider in each paragraph and linking them to the theme of your choice? Like, what should the CMs be?
ReplyDeleteFor the first journal (outsiders), you are establishing a theme about outsiders (What is Harper Lee asserting) in your thesis. Your topic sentences would be the character + how they fit outsiders (in an argumentative statement). Therefore, your CMs will be explaining how that particular CD proves the topic sentence / supports the theme or thesis.
Okay, thank-you Danielle and Tracey!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Miss Arney.
ReplyDeleteIf i use 2 quotes that are each from different pages but I used them in the same sentence do i cite it like this?: ..." (Lee 304, 11).
ReplyDeleteAnnette: Yes!
ReplyDeleteFor journal #1, when it says in addition to Boo Radley, does this mean 2 adults besides Boo Radley, or does this mean include him in our journal?
ReplyDeleteAt least one of the outsiders cannot be Arthur Radley.
ReplyDeleteSo we do not need to include him in our journal?
ReplyDeleteNo; you can use any two outsiders you choose
ReplyDeleteAre we supposed to ICE our quotes or just transition into them?
ReplyDeleteYou must always ICE your quotes!
ReplyDeleteThank You Miss. Arney and I promise I will!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteThread closed.